The Healthy Wave Mat, Multi-Wave PEMF Mat 72x24 harnesses all of the key technologies including PEMF Therapy & Infrared Heat Therapy with different types of crystals in one single mat. At a size of approximately 72″x 24″ x 1.5″ this mat is big enough for almost anyone to lie down on comfortably.
Get 5 Synergistic Therapies In One Mat
Advanced PEMF Technology
Other Benefits
The pre-programmed PEMF programs consist of different combinations of frequencies, wave types, intensities and pulse durations. For every PEMF program these combinations of PEMF signals changes every 5 minutes. The pre-selected PEMF programs are based on research studies and clinical applications as a guide. Each 20-minute PEMF program will provide you with a PEMF "sweep" of 4 different wave selections. The one hour PEMF programs provide a PEMF "sweep" of 12 different wave selections. Therefore, you are always experiencing changing PEMF signals to provide a comprehensive response. You can also change any of the programmable parameters to adjust to your specific needs as you get your personal experience feedback from using the mat. This is the unique ability of the "Multi-Wave" PEMF design which allows this enormous selection of different PEMF waveforms. This also allows the user to use different beneficial PEMF programs depending on the time of day (Circadian Rhythm aka Biorhythm).
Research has shown PEMF has a wide range of benefits and that different PEMF wave have different effects. The Healthy Wave Multi-Wave PEMF mat empowers you in letting you choose the perfect type of PEMF. While other PEMF devices have single or a limited selection of modes we allow you to create almost any type of PEMF wave by letting you change every variable of the PEMF wave to suit your needs perfectly.
Love this mat! So relaxing and helps with the aches and pains of life. Don't use it enough!rn
Works great Have had the mat for about 4 months and can tell a difference in the way I feel Also blood pressure is the best it’s been in years I like the ease of use and the short time that you use it each day Usually do a 20 minute session in the am and a second 20 minute session before bed
I am a 61-year-old nurse, on my feet for 10-hour shifts plus an hour commute each way. I don't know how I lived without this mat. I can come home, lie on my mat, and the pain in my legs and back are reduced at least 80% each time. My only problem is getting my cat to let me use it without her being stretched out across the middle of it.
I have been using the mat for the past 60 days and enjoying the many benefits . I am 79 next month and exercise every day , no medications and blood pressure 123 /80 . Each morning I use my stationary bike for 30 minutes . Pre PEMF heart rate range was 110 to 125 BPM. Since using the MAT and without any extra effort on the pedals I now am in the target range 165-to 185 within 4 minutes of starting. After 30 minutes my heart rate recovers to 110 range within 4 minutes and to 65-70 range within 20 minutes . Is this change the result of better blood flow and oxygen uptake because I certainly am not out of breath and have a lot more energy and terrific! I 've appreciated your help.
We've been using the new mat heavily since it arrived (delayed because of ice on roads). Dad (87 years old) said his sinuses started draining after 3 minutes on the mat. And, today his feet were hot. They've been cold for several decades (big cigarette smoker). My back pain left after the second day. Working on brain fog now, which is also improved. I found a frequency that I can feel...15hz. My left eye, a mashed finger and my enlarged spleen pulses at 15hz. Not sure what it does at that frequency but it is nevertheless a comfort. Spleen has shrunk a bit too. Now to the point of email...I told a neighbor about how this was making life more tolerable and he is in poor shape and wants to check it out. Gave him your number and he'll probably call tomorrow (Saturday). His name is Ron and his is a life long smoker. he's about 5' 10" but weighs around a hundred pounds. Big time lung ailments along with circulation problems. I made sure he understood it would not make
just wanted to tell you that I started sleeping on my mat about 2 weeks ago. I noticed a difference after 2-3 days and everyday I feel a little better! I have a knee with no ACL and the pain is getting better along with better range of motion. Everyday I get up with a little more energy. It really is a game changer and can't wait to see where I'll be in a month or 2.
Thanks for putting up with me and all my questions, and for helping me with your suggestions. I am happy to report that my sciatica is much improved, my leg pain is greatly improved, Covid symptoms almost gone, and I am sleeping better than I have ever slept since being a teenager. I no longer lay awake during the night for hours trying to get back to sleep. Your mat is worth it’s weight in gold! Thank you so much!
I took a fall that fractured both of my humorous bones and fractured a bone in my big toe on my right foot. First, I lost my "spirit"...through an integrative support system, and God; I have been able to feel my "spirit" re-emerge. One of the "key" healing modalities I have been using is the"Healthy Wave Mat" - 5 synergistic therapies. Because of the therapies that this mat provides for me, my body has begun to heal. I dare not even go to that place of being without this mat in my life. The Engineer that created this mat, is truly a healer. Thank you for coming into my life when you did. I can't imagine making this journey without having these healing modalities. I send "blessings" to ALL that are involved with making this mat available! If there is anyone that would like to contact me in regards to this mat, please do not hesitate. My e-mail address is: [email protected]
I bought my PEMF mat in July 2021. I looked at a number of other PEMF mats and took online PEMF classes. The health benefits are just what we want! I use my mat as a lie-down sauna and I always use the red-light therapy. It's hard sometimes to say what is working or not as I do many things for health (vibration plate, treadmill, infrared sauna, rebounder, supplements, etc) but what I can say for sure is that when I use the F12 setting before bed (I stay on it for the full hour as I want the 5 therapies), I do relax and sleep well. I often have trouble sleeping and was staying up until 11. With the mat, I fall asleep sooner and sleep well. I am VERY IMPRESSED also with Celine and Customer Service. Celine has answered every question and I tend to have a lot of questions. She's great!!! Anyway, I have no hesitation in highly recommending this mat and this company!
Excellent product, still learning to use
I first heard of PEMF when my oldest brother suggested it as therapy for a younger brother who was diagnosed with cancer. I did all the reading and research possible on-line. There’s SO much positive scientific and testimonial evidence, including TED talks and Dr. Oz. There’s also quite a variety of therapy mats with a variety of prices. I decided on the Healthywave PEMF 5 therapy of the range for this company. I bought the 72”x 24” for whole body healing. I sent the mat to my daughter in Tasmania. She’d been in a car accident and could hardly move with a bad back. With professional help and the mat she’s restored to 100%. I collected it after 6 months and stared using it mid Dec. 2021. I initially wrote my healing aims and have journaled my progress. I’ve held off for 4 months to report improvements. Pre-existing, longstanding, cumulative conditions need time to heal. Mine have shown consistent improvement and there have been a couple of surprise improvements
We are in our 70’s and initially purchased one of the 5 therapy mats. We initially looked at a Bemer (MLM) but the cost was outrageous and it only has one therapy. We liked the Healthy Wave mat so much that there are now 4 mats in our family. I did some heavy lifting yesterday and injured my back so bad that I couldn’t bend over. Last night I slept on the mat and the injury was remarkably better this morning. Then, later today I got on it again and the pain is almost gone. I now have no trouble bending over, just a little soreness. My wife has had the same experience with minor aches and pains. Our son is paralyzed in the legs and began sleeping on the half mat underneath his legs and the swelling in his legs and feet has been reduced. The fourth mat I gave to my older brother, who for some reason has not used it. I honestly am not sure which of the therapies does what—maybe it is all of them contributing. But the one I can actually feel is the heat which is unlike anything I’ve ever e
I have had the healthy wave mat for a few weeks now. Initially, the photo therapy upset my digestive system. Don't know whether this was a detoxifying symptom or not. I have just had my thyroid blood results back and my thyroid was very much under-active, so that could be responsible too. I am so much better now pain wise and the spasms in my leg muscles have reduced significantly. I have two PEMF treatments each day. I missed them yesterday and could not sleep for ages because my legs were aching so much, just by missing a day. I am actually not sure how I could live without it now. I still have to take other things for my pain, but I have been able to reduce what I was taking, and I hope that I will continue to improve with time. If you do suffer from Hypothyroidism, do not overdo the heat or the photo-therapy, and keep a regular eye on your bloods. Buy a mat, I do not think you will be disappointed!