All Testimonials

Lyme Disease - Pro Mutlwave use

Hi Pamela, Just thought I would tell you today I got dressed and it didn’t hurt! Thank you! Sherry

Testimonial By: Sherry B

Help with Fibroids and also my Cat

My Testimonial:
I've been chronically ill with uterine fibroids for over 20 years and had surgery 3 years ago. However the fibroids came back. I felt constant pressure in my pelvic area and had increased inflammation due to this condition. I've also suffered from insomnia and chronic fatigue. After using my 5 Therapy Mat for 1 week I'm amazed at how great I feel already! I sleep on my mat every night and I not only fall asleep within a short time but my sleep is so much deeper than before. My lower pelvic pressure caused by fibroids and inflammation reduced dramatically! I feel lighter, have more energy and my brain fog is gone! I have only one regret and that is why I did't find out about this healthy wave mat sooner!

Testimonial about my Pet :
The first day I got my 5 Therapy Mat my cat, Bear jumped on it and got very comfortable! He lays on it every night and absolutely loves it! After just a few days of using the mat he started being so much more playful and alert! He is also more affectionate and not as moody! I'm so glad we can both benefit from this wonderful healthy wave mat!

Testimonial By: Manuela T

Best purchase I have made in a long time

I received my Healthy Wave Mat about 4 months ago and have to say it was the best purchase I have made in a long time. My Dr. suggested I purchase one for the multiple neurological and muscular problems I have in my back and legs.I was unable to sleep longer than one hour without waking up with pain and spasms.I am now able to sleep for 5 hours straight and am able to fall back asleep immediately. I too have noticed the day long pain in my legs
from nerve damage and scar tissue has decreased 85%. I use my mat at least 5 nights a week for 30-45 minutes each session. I also want to mention the great ease in calling the Healthy Wave mat
company. A human answers at once every time and answers any questions I may have in a friendly helpful manor. I too had a problem with a part of my mat and within 3 days a replacement was sent to me with the greatest of ease.

Thank you so much for your wonderful product and I will be a lifelong customer.
Thanks, Adele

Testimonial By: Adele

Neurological and Muscular

I received my Healthy Wave 5 Therapy Mat about 4 months ago and have to say it was the best purchase I have made in a long time. My Dr. suggested I purchase one for the multiple neurological and muscular problems I have in my back and legs.I was unable to sleep longer than one hour without waking up with pain and spasms.I am now able to sleep for 5 hours straight and am able to fall back sleep immediately. I too have noticed the day long pain in my legs from nerve damage and scar tissue has decreased 85%. I use my mat at least 5 nights a week for 30-45 minutes each session.
I also want to mention the great ease in calling the Healthy Wave mat company. A human answers at once every time and answers any questions I may have in a friendly helpful manor. I too had a problem with a part of my mat and within 3 days a replacement was sent to me with the greatest of ease.
Thank you so much for your wonderful product and I will be a lifelong customer.
Thanks, Adele

Testimonial By: Adele R

Neuropathy and Psoriasis

We don't know how we can praise the healthy wave mat enough. It has made such a difference in both of our health.Peter is still walking and with much less pain.My Psoriasis is gone so is the neuropathy in my ankle. my skin looks 10 years younger and is getting thicker on my arms. It is always a pleasure for Peter to talk to you.
God Bless you. Debbie and Peter

Testimonial By: Debbie D