All Testimonials

This really is a must-have!

We love this mat. It’s very relaxing to lay on it. You can feel it working on you as you relax. It also helps with the aches and pains. I noticed specifically that my knee feels better when I use it. This really is a must-have!

Testimonial By: Maryann D.

Too many benefits to list

This infrared pad flat out works. I could list all the benefits in a lengthy paragraph but I won’t. When my wife or I have pain in our backs or hips we use the mat for 30-60 minutes and always experience significant relief. Money well spent!

Testimonial By: Bryan S.

Mat takes away the pain

I love this mat. We just moved and for 2 months we packed ourselves. I am still unpacking now. This mat takes the pain out of my hip, lower back and neck so I'm ready to get back to work the next day. This move would have taken 3x as long if I didn't have the mat.

Testimonial By: Nancy K.

ultimate power nap

Love this mat. Using it feels like the ultimate power nap.

Testimonial By: Randi R.

Wife uses the mat daily

I purchased this mat for my wife. She uses it almost daily. On occasion I get to use it as well. We put a blanket on top of the mat to make it more comfortable to fall asleep on. Really feel relaxed after being on the mot for about an hour.

Testimonial By: Samuel J.