

I want to acknowledge first, that my experience with these mats is that they offer a ‘healing technology’ that is easy to access and is available to everyone for use in their own home. If a person is looking for a soothing, restorative way to relax and unwind for any reason, these mats do it. But there is so much more.

The first time I rested upon a Healing Mat, the depth in which the combination of its features interacted with my body was astounding. I expected to feel heat, of course, but to my surprise, as I lay on the mat, the energy fields it continued to produce influenced me at deeper and deeper levels. So while extremely relaxing to my body, as daily time on the mat progressed, I could literally feel my physical cells responding in ways that felt detoxifying and expansive. They sighed with relief. Then, I began to ‘see’ what appeared to be DNA code running through my awareness along with a curious sense of inner transformation. Can one’s DNA be recoded or activated in some way? Surely, it seems so.

My experience has been multi-dimensional. It continues in this manner to this day and this feels almost magical hence the reference to ‘Healing Mat’. So while it works through the physicality of the body, time on the mat also affects the mind and the emotions and ultimately ‘spirit’ too because if who we are as human beings in our mind, body and emotions is encouraged to heal or simply to feel better, then how can it not affect spirit as well? I have experienced ancient emotional material emerging from within me and being transmuted or released on several occasions; usually from distinct areas each time located both within my body through to the front of my body. Sometimes, the result of time on the mat is purely physical in that I will feel restored to an ease of functioning particularly following a difficult day or situation. Other times, it is infinitely more profound. My sense is that how things progress will be unique to the person laying on the mat. I have discovered that used consistently over time, the mat evokes multi-level change. Whatever needs to unwind first, happens first. As the person comes more and more into a new normal and has integrated this new way of being whether it’s subtle or very obvious, then the next level of transformation comes forward. It is a kind of evolution even if it is considered a subjective evolution.

As energy healer, having my clients lay on the mat at the onset of our work together, results in a more penetrating healing session for them since I do not need to work through initial layers of ‘stuck’ energy first that are, more often than not, present in a person’s energy field. At its simplest level, in this very busy and sometimes chaotic world, the mat offers respite and therefore a kind of daily maintenance around feeling good however that looks or is felt. Used over time, more possibilities arise. When people test out my mat for the first time, they invariably reach a place of stillness and peace. Older folks, who notice aging appearances and symptoms in their bodies, love the mat. Who wouldn’t want to feel this kind of response as a regular part of their day?

Testimonial By: Nada Rose  — Canada