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My Cat and my Mat

I had to write and share with you my excitement after receiving my new mat. I have had a Healthy Wave Mat for years and am very experienced with all kinds of new gadgets as they hit the market. As you know, I highly recommend your products to everyone I know since they are the “real” thing.

After the first night, my lower back pain was greatly improved and slept well that night. The more I have used the mat, the better my overall sense of well-being has dramatically improved. The only problem I have now is my cat, Sunny, who is a senior, hogs the mat. He looks for it when I do not have it on my bed. Every night at 7:00 pm, I can find him sitting on the edge of my bed waiting for me to get it out and plug it in. I am trying to get my time in around 10:00 pm, but sometimes he doesn’t want to share, so I decided to get chair mat that I can use through the day. Since he has been using the mat he is now acting like a kitten with high energy. Cats are very sensitive to energy.

I personally find your mats a higher quality and perform better than the Bio Mat. It is simple to use and is very effective for any kind of pain that I have experienced. Congrats on another incredible product and one that is very affordable. Keep up the good work.

Testimonial By: Laura Lassiter  — AZ, USA


In 1981 during my first pregnancy I experienced excruciating pain due to sciatica. I went for reflexology, massage therapy and even chiropractic treatments which provided only temporary relief. When my son was born in 1982 I suffered nerve compression damage (which was linked to the sciatica) in my lower back during the birth process. From that time, I've experienced lower back pain, learned to live with it and accepted it as part of being a mother. I remind my son that most days he's worth all that pain and suffering! =) As I got older, so did my back and the pain kept intensifying and so did the need for painkillers. I was grateful for Costco sized ibuprofen and acetaminophen but guilty knowing how it was ruining my liver, taking up to 16 extra strength painkillers just to get through the day. It was how I coped, day after day. After a day's work I would crawl into bed at night with excruciating pain and wake up in the morning still in pain, barely able to roll over, get out of bed and put one foot in front of the other. I've lived like for almost 35 years. In November 2016 I was introduced to the IIT Healing Mats. I spent 2 hours on the mat the very first session. Pamela was shocked at my lack of mobility in rolling from my back to my side, in fact she helped me. The pain I experienced lying on the mat subsided to a level I not had in a very long time. I went home and began feeling like I'd been dragged through a train wreck, cold, achy, shivering and lethargic. Went to bed early that night, wrapped in multiple blankets, slept better than I had in years and woke up the next morning with NO PAIN AT ALL!! It was like a tonne of weight had left me!

That day I realized I was getting through my tasks at work much faster, more agile and not dragging myself around in pain. This was too good to be true and wondered how long the 'no pain' would last. Those 2 hours on the mat at Pamela's gave me about 4 weeks of being pain free. I knew then it was time to get my own mat or I'd have to move in at Pamela's! Lol!

I am on my mat daily, well almost, if my friends aren't borrowing it and it's literally like getting a hot stone sleep has improved, ability to focus is better and the desire to keep learning has returned. And I'm a much happier person because I AM PAIN FREE!! So many folks out there are living with pain and accept it as a way of life, just like I did for so many years. Thank you Pamela for introducing me to the Healthy Wave Mats @ IIT Health.

Testimonial By: Irene B  — Canada

Quality of Life

Thanks for the info Pamela. I absolutely love the mat. Last night I laid down for what I thought would be an hour and feel asleep on it for 5 and half hours. My oldest daughter loves the mat as well and asked if she could lay on it again this weekend.

Thank you for always creating such amazing products that improve the quality of life.

Testimonial By: John K  — MS in Nutrition

Pain and Numbness

My health freak husband showed up with these two mats and told me he just spent something like $2,000 I almost had a heart attack! I trust him when it comes to health issues and wellness but the mats thingy I was perplexed.

He gave me this brochure and asked me to read through while setting up the mats on our bed. He bought the Healthy Wave PRO for himself and the tourmaline for me which was smaller in size. After reading the brochure about the healthy mats I felt much more comfortable as we do trust the seller very much and know that what they say is true.

My husband had chronic pain all over because of his career in martial arts. Since he started using this mat his pain is completely gone now and he sleeps much better.

It has been three months now since I have been using it and the results are amazing. First, the healing of my left arm which was partially numb for over three years. I've tried every imaginable treatment for my numbness with very meager results and very high bills. I also had chronic pain after a motor vehicle accident in 2006. I had pain in both my lower back and my shoulder. All that is now GONE! I must admit that I underestimated the healing power of this mat. I must give 5 stars to it and can't thank enough my husband's friend Pamela for developing such a wonderful product.

Recently, one of our friends called us and complained of excruciating pain from a diabetes complication called Neuropathy. My husband rushed her to try out the Mats. She lay down on the Pro mat and within half an hour her pain significantly decreased. She bought the mat right there and then and since she got it she's calling us almost every day with positive results. Thanks a bunch again Pamela... I strongly recommend this mat to anyone with pain or degenerative condition it truly does wonders.

Testimonial By: Min Kim

I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE my mat

I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE my mat. I generally use it once per day at bedtime and will sometimes sleep on it all night. It is one of the best purchases I have made for my health and well being. I was in the habit of using a heating pad for neck and back pain for years but the Wave Mat goes way beyond what a $30.00 heating pad did.

I still have neck and shoulder problems but that is because I work at the same job about 4 days a week that aggravates these areas. The Mat, however, relaxes those spots every time and brings consistent relief. I believe it has helped in other problem areas as well such as muscle stiffness and even digestion issues.

Thank you so much for designing this mat. Other than massages, I don’t know of any other therapy that is so effective and I have tried a lot. Having a Healthy Wave Mat at my disposal is certainly far more economical than being treated by a registered massage therapist that needs to be repeated often. The Mat is right here in my home whenever I need it.

Testimonial By: Beverly Smith  — BC, Canada