All Testimonials

Sleep and Well Being

Thank you so much for accommodating my request! I'm so excited to get the longer mat, I have plantar fasciitis and I look forward to my calf muscles being on the mat now that I am experiencing all of these benefits. I feel so much calmer and a greater sense of happiness each day which I attribute to the use of the mat. My well being feels so much better and I'm tired and ready for bed each night and go right to sleep and stay asleep. This is really something, I have had insomnia and taken strong meds for this on and off the last 12 years. Amazing, I am telling everyone I know about this mat and I have shared it as well.

Testimonial By: A.S.


A few years ago my husband Barry was pinned between a running skid steer and a railroad tie. Although no broken bones there was internal damage that left a lot of scar tissue. Barry has worked all his life on horseback but the last couple years he couldn’t ride longer than about 15 min. At a time than have to get off and walk some before getting back on. We tried everything: massages, chiro, energy healer and although some relief nothing seemed to work. In July 2018 we bought a pro Healthy Wave mat. Barry slept on it since day one and one week later he started riding all day with very minimal pain. It was like magic. We love our mat.

Testimonial By: Sherry Q.  — SK, Canada

Lymphatic Support

Good Morning! After using the mat for 10 days I've noticed a significant reduction in size of my swollen lymph nodes(underarm). Also, I sleep much better and my left shoulder pain is mostly gone!

Thank you!

Testimonial By: Emanuel

Energy, Relaxation and Pain

I love crystals, and being able to relax on top of so mat full of crystals is amazing, i feel their energy going through me. I am also using the mat for weight loss using the heating/sauna feature, this also helps my husband with his back pain. After he spends few minutes on the mat he says hes feeling so much better and pain is almost gone. PEMF and FIR features provide so much healing and relaxation. I simply love love love this mat and I truly enjoy the benefits of all 5 therapies in one. Very pleased with the customer service.

Testimonial By: EM.

Relaxation and Energy

I have been using the Healthy Wave Mat for about 2 months now, daily morning and evening for about 20 minutes each time. The most profound health effect is its ability to induce a greater sense of well being. This is a subtle effect, such as if one has been meditating for a period of time. In fact, the mat seems to assist my ability to settle my mind into a relaxing meditative state. While in this state on the mat I find my guard is let down as I enter into what I believe is called a parasympathetic state.

Through its use I have realized how much stress I have been carrying with me as part of my "normal" state. On the mat, my shingles and any other pains (muscles/arthritic) usually subside. The sense of well-being and relaxation does carry on through the day. It is as if my body has been trained to understand what it means to be relaxed.

Of course, this has other health benefits. My energy had gone way up, sleep has improved, and I find the reduction in my colitis and psoriasis symptoms make these illnesses far easier to manage. And finally, this mat practice does much to improve my mood and peace of mind.

Testimonial By: P.H.