All Testimonials

Unexpected relief of a serious condition

We purchased our Healthy Wave 5 Therapy Mat at the end of March 2020. Our purpose was to see if the PEMF and FIR would at least temper the back pain that both my wife and I have endured for many years. My wife also has a condition called Collagenous Colitis. This is type of inflammatory bowel disease that affects the colon. It is a form of microscopic colitis, which causes chronic diarrhea. This condition produces rather violent bouts of diarrhea multiple times a day. To our utter amazement after a week or so on the mat 2 times a day for a half hour each time, the diarrhea episodes became fewer and farther between. Then, about two and a half weeks of daily use of the mat, her diarrhea was pretty near completely controlled. The medications she was taking were cut in half under her Doctors control. Still no diarrhea! Now, I am writing this to tell you that you would be doing yourself and your family a great service by getting a Healthy Wave Mat and seeing for yourself the benefits it can produce. You will never know unless you try. Granted, not all conditions or all people will have these exceptional results; however you need to do some reading and find out that there are literally thousands of clinical studies that support the claims for improvement in many health conditions. I have researched pretty near all of the companies that produce some form of PEMF or FIR therapy mats. You will not find a better product or a better company to do business with. Their 45 day risk free trial is unmatched in the industry. That’s how confident Healthy Wave is of their products. Oh yes,., back pains have reduced immensely.

Testimonial By: Donald W

Increased Energy and Reduced Sugar Levels

I have been using the Healthy Wave Mat for 2 and 1/2 months. This has literally been the best purchase I have ever made. Over the past couple of months I have been working 80 plus hour weeks.
I sleep on the mat at lease a couple of hours each night and I have had a substantial increase in energy. I am diabetic, but my sugar levels have decreased substantially and are now almost normal. My wife has gotten relief for stomach aches and lower back pain. My son has found that the mat helps him to be in a better mood.

Testimonial By: Dan Wolfley  — Erda, UT, United States

Very Pleased

I'm very pleased with the mat I bought my mother last month.
She fell ill and it has been a lifesaver. I only wish we had got it sooner.
Now I would like to get one for my dad's birthday to help his back problems...the PEMF chair one.

Grateful for your help and products.

Testimonial By: Keri N

Lyme Disease - Pro Mutlwave use

Hi Pamela, Just thought I would tell you today I got dressed and it didn’t hurt! Thank you! Sherry

Testimonial By: Sherry B

Help with Fibroids and also my Cat

My Testimonial:
I've been chronically ill with uterine fibroids for over 20 years and had surgery 3 years ago. However the fibroids came back. I felt constant pressure in my pelvic area and had increased inflammation due to this condition. I've also suffered from insomnia and chronic fatigue. After using my 5 Therapy Mat for 1 week I'm amazed at how great I feel already! I sleep on my mat every night and I not only fall asleep within a short time but my sleep is so much deeper than before. My lower pelvic pressure caused by fibroids and inflammation reduced dramatically! I feel lighter, have more energy and my brain fog is gone! I have only one regret and that is why I did't find out about this healthy wave mat sooner!

Testimonial about my Pet :
The first day I got my 5 Therapy Mat my cat, Bear jumped on it and got very comfortable! He lays on it every night and absolutely loves it! After just a few days of using the mat he started being so much more playful and alert! He is also more affectionate and not as moody! I'm so glad we can both benefit from this wonderful healthy wave mat!

Testimonial By: Manuela T