All Testimonials

Getting SO much better all the time..As the song goes

I first heard of PEMF when my oldest brother suggested it as therapy for a younger brother who was diagnosed with cancer. I did all the reading and research possible on-line. There’s SO much positive scientific and testimonial evidence, including TED talks and Dr. Oz.

There’s also quite a variety of therapy mats with a variety of prices.
I decided on the Healthywave PEMF 5 therapy of the range for this company.
I bought the 72”x 24” for whole body healing.

I sent the mat to my daughter in Tasmania. She’d been in a car accident and could hardly move with a bad back. With professional help and the mat she’s restored to 100%.
I collected it after 6 months and stared using it mid Dec. 2021.

I initially wrote my healing aims and have journaled my progress. I’ve held off for 4 months to report improvements.

Pre-existing, longstanding, cumulative conditions need time to heal. Mine have shown consistent improvement and there have been a couple of surprise improvements I hadn’t counted on!!

I assess improvement after my longstanding monthly visit to a Trigger Point Masseuse. At the first visit, after about a month of mat use, I assessed my overall improvement at about 70%. The second visit was a treat, I had a massage with many points pain free. I’d rate my improvement at 90%.

I take my mat to the 90min. session and love the extra healing boost it seems to give.

Another use of the mat is in healing newly created problems. The results are almost immediate.

Strain a muscle, 20 minutes on the mat and it’s healed. Both my husband and I have had several such quick recoveries from injury.

On my healing journey, I’ve noted some effects. There seems to be a mobilising of the part of the body that’s in the process of repairing. I’ve felt pricks of pain and localised tingling while on the mat. In one area that had a chronic condition to heal, I had a stabbing pain that lasted for about 3 days before improvement was evident.

I’m aware of staying hydrated and I eliminate toxins with activated charcoal twice weekly.

I am at ease with my body. I feel I have made the BEST decision for my health heading into my 70th year. This a PROACTIVE, PREVENTATIVE therapy option to use at leisure in my own home.

Certainly worth every $. (I’ve just got my second mat..the chair version!)

Testimonial By: Christine Worsman  — Aldinga, SA, Australia

Increase in blood flow and pain relief

I am Rose Leah and in my life I had four strokes, three heart attacks, and pain everywhere. I went to an acupuncturist and she said that working with me is like poking a metal sheet because everything is stiff. I was also drinking a lot of medication to maintain my health.

I went to a local health clinic, paid $35 for a 20 minute session to try the PEMF mat they have. After the 20 minute session, I feel lighter and with less pain. I knew I just needed to get one, but I am on limited income and couldn't afford the $6,000 mat they are selling.

I went home and started looking for an affordable PEMF device and found Healthy Wave. I spoke with Celine over the phone multiple times to understand what I am buying and to find the most affordable PEMF mat. I ordered the 20" x 20" PEMF mat.

I have been using it for more than a month now and all my friends and family members have noticed an improvement in the way I walk and talk. Since it's a small pad, I use it on my legs, lower back, neck, shoulder - I move it all over my body depending on where the pain is.

My legs are now normal size. They're no longer swollen! I can touch my hips without being in pain. I can also feel my feet again, it's like blood started flowing in that area again. I just came back from an acupuncturist and she's so shocked with how much my health has improved. I don't feel like steel anymore, she said it's like treating a pillow because my muscles and nerves are no longer stiff and everything feels more open and flowing.

Thank you for creating the Healthy Wave Mat and making it affordable, so people like me with limited income and relying on disability benefits can use a PEMF mat.

Testimonial By: Rose Leah F.  — Los Angeles, California, USA

Relief from rib cage pain

I have been using the mat (5-therapy Classic 74" x 28") for four months (purchased last November 2021) and have noticed the following.

1. I wore a knee brace for over a year to go walking, but after three months on using your mat, I no longer needed a brace and my knee is totally pain free.

2. I have an extremely painful rib cage and the PEMF and red light therapy got rid of the pain in three days when I did three 1-hour session each day. My husband was very impressed and we're now doing the same treatment with his shoulder.

Testimonial By: Patricia J.  — Cameron, South Carolina, USA

Happy I found Healthy Wave

Thank you so Very Much for your excellent information about The mat, controller unit and everything else.

Before we found you, we met a Bemer representant and where a bit chocked of the price. (value for the money)

The Bemer has only PEMF and nothing more as you know and a MLM system that raises the price. Basic control functions, bad conditions etc.

I searched on The Internet after reviews and found your products.
They are superior and Much more professional than than the one above.

We are so thankful that we found you and your eminent information is fantastic.

All The best to you
A Happy New Year

Testimonial By: Göran S.

Great company

Absolutely great company to do business with! Easy ordering, fast delivery, and fantastic customer service (Celine).

Testimonial By: Jodie Kay Cook  — Birch Run, MI, United States