All Testimonials

Lymphatic Support

Good Morning! After using the mat for 10 days I've noticed a significant reduction in size of my swollen lymph nodes(underarm). Also, I sleep much better and my left shoulder pain is mostly gone!

Thank you!

Testimonial By: Emanuel

Energy, Relaxation and Pain

I love crystals, and being able to relax on top of so mat full of crystals is amazing, i feel their energy going through me. I am also using the mat for weight loss using the heating/sauna feature, this also helps my husband with his back pain. After he spends few minutes on the mat he says hes feeling so much better and pain is almost gone. PEMF and FIR features provide so much healing and relaxation. I simply love love love this mat and I truly enjoy the benefits of all 5 therapies in one. Very pleased with the customer service.

Testimonial By: EM.

Relaxation and Energy

I have been using the Healthy Wave Mat for about 2 months now, daily morning and evening for about 20 minutes each time. The most profound health effect is its ability to induce a greater sense of well being. This is a subtle effect, such as if one has been meditating for a period of time. In fact, the mat seems to assist my ability to settle my mind into a relaxing meditative state. While in this state on the mat I find my guard is let down as I enter into what I believe is called a parasympathetic state.

Through its use I have realized how much stress I have been carrying with me as part of my "normal" state. On the mat, my shingles and any other pains (muscles/arthritic) usually subside. The sense of well-being and relaxation does carry on through the day. It is as if my body has been trained to understand what it means to be relaxed.

Of course, this has other health benefits. My energy had gone way up, sleep has improved, and I find the reduction in my colitis and psoriasis symptoms make these illnesses far easier to manage. And finally, this mat practice does much to improve my mood and peace of mind.

Testimonial By: P.H.

Pain and Depression

Mornings were the worst part of the day. I would wake after 5- 6 hours of poor quality sleep. My muscles and joints aching to the degree that I would take the stairs one step at a time holding on the banister for dear life. I had gotten used to the pain, but what I couldn't get use to was my lack of motivation, depression and weight gain that came along with it. A friend saw me struggling at Pilates class and suggested I try out the 5 Therapy Healthily Wave mat. I truly believe that my life changed that day!. After less than a week of two 20 minutes session of laying on the mat daily, my sleep increased by 2 hours per night. The quality of sleep was better and I awoke refreshed. My hands, wrists, back and hips stopped aching and my legs were less puffy. My family has noticed a difference in my energy level and I am no longer struggling to pick up my grandbabies. My Healthy Wave mat is now my new best friend.

Testimonial By: Bonnie Br.

Lyme Disease

Hi, my name is Rebecca. I've struggled with my health for over 40 years now. After being diagnosed with chronic late stage Lyme disease in 2005 I realized Lyme was what had been making me sick for so long. I had a variety of diagnoses during that time, including fibromyalgia and depression. Over the years, my pain levels increased while my energy and zest for life all but disappeared. I tried everything from supplements to alternative body therapies, diets, and IVs to name a few but eventually my symptoms returned.

I was recently introduced to the small Healthy Wave PEMF mat and I'm thrilled to say I've noticed a significant decrease in pain along with an increase in energy and well-being. What a change! I'm thrilled with the results. Normally I just try to get through each day as best I can. I water walk in the pool but that's the extent of my physical exercise. I just don't have the energy to walk a lot or work out at the gym.

I spend 30 minutes, 2-3 times a day on the mat. It's really helping to reduce my body pain and give me more energy. For so many years now I have struggled with interrupted sleeps, waking up tired and staying that way all day. I'm now getting restorative sleeps which is huge for me.

I highly recommend this mat. I have a small one that I can use lying down or sitting up. This has been the best investment I've ever made in my health. Do I still experience the ups and downs of chronic pain? Sometimes but using the mat regularly ensures that I'm able to function at a higher level on a daily basis and enjoy more of my life. I LOVE MY MAT.

Testimonial By: Rebecca K.  — BC- Canada