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Hi Pamela I want to share my experiment in using the Healthy Wave Mat. I have severe endometriosis and wanted to go off my pain relievers, I tried many different remedies but nothing worked. I was hesitant at first but then I said to myself to be patient, I ended up using it for 2 1/2 months, twice a day not skipping any days. The result turned out wonderful my pain relief about 80%. I am so happy that I decided not to return it.

Testimonial By: Tracy

Blood Pressure Improved

Just thought I’d mention something neat that happened when I put my mother on my mat the other day. She has high blood pressure and is on medication, and after my cousins were over with three big boisterous dogs knocking over lamps and stuff, my mom‘s blood pressure was 174/92. Usually we give her a half of her pill which brings her blood pressure down maybe 20 points on the top and 5 to 10 on the bottom. After 35 minutes resting on the mat, her blood pressure was 119/67. It hasn’t been that low for over 30 years!

Testimonial By: Amahra Jaxen

good results with our new mat

Hi. this is ken from jax fl. I ordered the 60" healthy wave mat with 5 therapies in march 2019. this was for my wife who has stage 4 kidney disease. her kidneys are now stable with some improvement last week. we are both 75 years old and married for 53 years. recuperating from muscle damage is much slower at this age, but our new mat has helped me get back to work every day. my yard has dead grass and i have tilled and removed the dead grass, spread grass seed and covered with top soil. i removed 2 large sago palms and filled in the holed with soil. in order to finished this task i lay on this mat 20 minutes each afternoon and another 20 minutes the nest morning. it use to take me about 3 days to recuperate from a stiff back , not anymore !

Testimonial By: kenneth watts

Joint Pain eliminated

upon the advice of Pamela from Healthy Wave regarding use of Healthy Wave Mat for joint pain in my right hand, I've used it everyday and placed the painful hand joints on the red light for 20 minutes, 2 times a day....pain has been gone for 2 weeks now...this has , so far, eliminated this pain that I have had for past 10 years.

Testimonial By: Edward J. Aleo

Chihuahuas Love This Mat

This is Teeka 6. & Ninya 4 long hair chihuahuas having a session like every night they LOVE this mat .
After the session they wait to have there teeth brushed Now that’s a dogs life :)

Testimonial By: Teeka & Ninya