All Testimonials

Pain and Neuropathy

Recently I was suffering excruciating pain shooting up to my brain.... I have diabetes type 2. I went to see my dr who diagnosed me with neuropathy. She said there's no fix for it and certainly it's not reversible. What she was telling me in essence that my body is dying.

I was in panic mode and my doctor prescribed some pain relief pills as well as some morphine meds to deal with the pain. However, the pain was persistent and I decided to call a friend of mine who's in the wellness business. He immediately drove to my place and literally shoved me into his car and took me to his long time friend Pamela. I haven't slept for weeks and was barely capable of walking. Pamela prepared the Healthy Wave Pro mat and let me lay on it for about an hour while she was explaining the benefits of that mat and the different healing technologies behind it.

When I stood up from the mat, my pain has dramatically receded. I bought the mat with 6 weeks satisfaction warranty.

This mat has done wonders to me and recently got out of pain killer which is huge on itself. I have gone from a level 10 pain to a level 4-5 in 1 week. I am able now to do my tasks at home and at work. I gained back my confidence and hope this health issue incompletely gone.

I recommend this mat with the strongest words to anyone with neuropathy or chronic pain it works.(period)

Thanks Pam you've saved my life I don't know if I can ever thank you enough.

God Bless you.

Testimonial By: Tanny Abraham  — Mercy mission president


I could feel the warmth from the infrared and I was lying for about 30 minutes when I felt a tug around my heart area and all this love starting coming out in that area across my chest. I could almost see the rays coming up through my body in 3 to 8 inches. I was so relaxed afterwards, and I never had an ache, pain or stiffness anywhere. The next day I went on it and after about ten minutes I just felt my system elevate - neat. I'm looking forward to getting this mat, as it will help my life a lot. I think it would be great for people who meditate as well as for healing. Thanks a lot!

Testimonial By: Coro Shelidan

Chronic Pain by former NHL player

In December of 2012 I was involved in rollover motor vehicle accident. That left me with something called a lower lumbar instability. This crippling injury has greatly diminished my mobility. My inability to walk without the assistance of a cane has led me to look at many different Rehab modalities. The truly scary part was what the NSAIDS meds were doing to my internal organs. At first glance I was extremely skeptical about the whole pulsed electromagnetic frequency thing. In my mind it was one of those too-good-to-be-true type of things. Then I got a phone call from an old friend who happened to be passing through town and was promoting a PEMF mat. So, for no money out of pocket I got an opportunity to try his $6000.00 USD PEMF mat. To be honest I was pleasantly surprised. But the cost of it I felt was well out of my financial ballpark! It was by my great fortune that I contacted you to ask your opinion on the whole subject. As usual, my go-to girl, Pamela, pointed me in the right direction. Not only were you able to provide me with PEMF at a fraction (literally roughly 20%) of the price, the mat I purchased thru you also includes Heat, Far-Infared and Cold Lasers. BONUS!!!

The combination of which blows that other high-dollar mat right off the map! I have owned my mat for over a year now and enjoy every minute of it. The more I use it the better my back and legs feel. Now when I come home at the end of the day I no longer have to take anti-inflammatories to be able to sleep. Thanks again for providing the pain relief I so badly needed!

Testimonial By: Harold Phillipoff  — BC, Canada — (former NHL player)

More Energy

I only bought my IIT Healing mat a week ago and have already noticed an increase of energy, physical and mental wellbeing, happiness, and positive creative thoughts. Having worked at a very stressful, challenging position for over a year I did not realize that feeling better again was possible so quickly or even how horrible I was feeling as it had become almost natural to feel lousy. Before using my mat I was feeling anxious, worried all the time had shoulder stiffness and headaches from driving and computer use and now this is gone. I feel like I am back in complete alignment on all levels.

I look forward to using my mat daily and have been sharing it with friends and associates who experience physical pain and they too have been feeling less pain and an improved quality of life. Thank-you Pamela for designing a truly amazing healing product!

Testimonial By: B. Baumel

Reduced Anxiety

I think they are helping overall. Both Leandra and I note that we go into a meditative state with them but I really do think it's helped our anxiety issues. As the anxiety drops, the perception of pain drops as well.

I will keep you posted, and thank you so much to you and Janise for bringing this into our lives.

Testimonial By: Dr. Russ K  — Canada