All Testimonials

Joint Pain eliminated

upon the advice of Pamela from Healthy Wave regarding use of Healthy Wave Mat for joint pain in my right hand, I've used it everyday and placed the painful hand joints on the red light for 20 minutes, 2 times a day....pain has been gone for 2 weeks now...this has , so far, eliminated this pain that I have had for past 10 years.

Testimonial By: Edward J. Aleo

Chihuahuas Love This Mat

This is Teeka 6. & Ninya 4 long hair chihuahuas having a session like every night they LOVE this mat .
After the session they wait to have there teeth brushed Now that’s a dogs life :)

Testimonial By: Teeka & Ninya

Back Pain

Earl and I both have had wonderful results with the mat. His back pain is lessened greatly and he seems dedicated to spending more time on the mat. I had a shoulder injury which has given me pain (mostly at night) for 15 years; that pain is totally gone. Since my cancer diagnosis, I have been spending at least a full hour daily plus sleeping on it at night. Pathology report came in today and the cancer cells have not spread to my lymphs and the tissue surrounding the lump also came back clean.

Testimonial By: Earl

Blood Pressure

Still very much enjoying my mat.
I just wanted to send a testimonial about how it has been very helpful in lowering my mother’s blood pressure. Mom is 93 and and when trying to switch around medications that didn’t make her dizzy, she ended up on one that didn’t control the pressure adequately and her blood pressure was between 175 & 200. I decided to take the mat over and see if lying on the mat would help her. We used it on three different occasions for 40 minutes each time. On the first occasion the red laser, PEMF, and infrared were all switched on and after the session on the mat her blood pressure dropped by 42 points. In the second session I forgot, and just turned on the infrared and there was little change in her blood pressure.
In the third session everything was turned on again and by the end her blood pressure had dropped 51 points. On this occasion it started at 175/90 and finished at 124/78. This has been huge for her so I am hoping you can use this on your website.

Testimonial By: Amahra Jaxen

Pain - chair mat

Well, I have been in tears for much of the afternoon..Terry e-mailed me a few hours ago and said the mat had arrived. I was at her mom's house in just a few minutes. I put the mat together and Terry and I went over the instructions manual. The quality of the mat is awesome. I sat on the mat for about 20 minutes. Oh yes. We then put her mom on the mat, making sure Terry knew about not turning on the PEMF button because of her pace maker. Her mom said she could feel a difference in her pain in about 10 minutes. Her pain had been so bad she really could not smile. She started to smile. We took her off of the mat after about 15 minutes. Her other daughter came over to get her. She was able to walk out to her daughter's car without her walker. Onward and upward..

Testimonial By: Bob C